Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Same Blog, Different Name: Charmingly Chic Creations

Well, hello there!  It's been awhile since I've opened up my blog page.  Why...?  My name.  Not my real name, I like that one, but rather my blog name.  Which essentially narrowed my focus in the process.  Charmingly Chic Organization originally seemed like it was a good fit.  Until, of course, I discovered it wasn't.  I kept feeling stifled by one word.  Organization.  I love to organize, but gosh, my life has certainly been more chaotic than organized since moving to California and I felt like it wasn't a good fit for me considering I know what the inside of several of my kitchen cupboards look like (that's life!).  So, from there I had to think of what actually would fit me well so I don't have to go through another identity crisis in the future (hopefully...).  What did I discover?  Easy.  I love love love to create.  Thus, the word "Creations" struck me as a far better fitting word for what I really love.  I still love to organize but it's really not the only thing I enjoy.

So now that you know the "why" behind the change... let me (re)introduce myself officially:

Hi! I'm Dana writing on a little blog, that probably only my parents and sister-in-law read (Hi!!!), called Charmingly Chic Creations

Back at a few other things I wanted to mention...  Another hang up I previously had was the writing.  Which was a little odd for me to discover since I really enjoy writing.  But, it feels so intimidating to have to write so much and if I'm being totally honest, I'm always looking for the pictures in articles and skimming the actual words anyways.  Going forward, there's gonna be a little less talk and a lot more pictures (anybody else think of the country song when they read that line??).  Plus, I'm more visual anyways so I basically read by looking at pictures (IKEA furniture manuals, I get you...).   

Finally, I'm hoping you'll feel like you can hear my real human voice shining through versus a more eloquently written post where you might not really get a sense of what I'm like in real life.  So, really in summary of all these words I just got done saying I wasn't really into writing, I hope you like pictures and punny jokes.  I've got lots of those.  And sometimes I like to type/talk so you may run across a post that seems like I won't stop typing/talking.  Feel free to look at just the photos.  Zero offense shall be taken.

Alrighty, now get excited because during my hiatus of finding what my real name and focus should be, the husband and I bought a house.  This is like a home DIYers HEAVEN on Earth.  I've already done a lot of work around the place and can't wait to start sharing my creations with you!  

Thanks for being here (especially if you're someone other than my parents or sis-in-law!). I'd love for you to introduce yourself in the comment section below!



  1. Kasey here!! Love it! Can't wait to see what you have to post!!

  2. Awe, Kasey! Thanks for visiting! Miss you lots!


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