Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to Successfully Prepare for each School Semester

Well, winter break from school is coming to an end and it's time to prepare for the upcoming semester.  I'm about to begin my final semester (YAY!) of grad school and have a wedding I get to start planning (double YAY!!).  This means, I have to be on top of my schedule and keep track of the assignments and tasks that need to be completed this spring.  Over the past few days, I spent time preparing for the next few months that are sure to be busy with homework and other things.  I wanted to share some the things I do prior to each semester that have helped me stay on track (and from losing my mind!).


Look up what books are required for the course.  Don't forget to search multiple websites for the best deal!  Personally, I prefer finding my used books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other used textbooks online stores.  Another tip is to check on the shipping costs.  I found that sometimes it's been less expensive to order all from one store rather than from each individual store with the cheapest option.  The cost of the books may be a little more but it can sometimes cost less overall because of cheaper or free shipping from purchasing over a certain dollar amount.


Read through the syllabus for each course.  I like to do this because it gives me an idea of what the course will require of me and time frames that I may need to block off extra time to work on large assignments that will be due.  

Print each syllabus.  Yes, I know... it's more paper but I've always found that I am more organized and stay on task throughout the semester with reading assignments when I have a physical copy.  Also, don't forget to bring it to your first day of class!  When going through the syllabus during the first class, I always write notes on what the professor mentions on certain assignments.  I typically end up referencing it later in the semester - give it a try!

Write your class meeting times into your planner.  

Write due dates for key assignments and exams in your planner.  Honestly, I don't like to put reading requirements or assignments that are a reoccurring because it fills up my planner FAST.  However, I do like to have due dates for any major assignments noted.  Again, this helps me have a better idea of when I may need to dedicate more time to completing the homework.  


Ask questions.  If something about the syllabus or course in general doesn't make sense or you're unsure of when exactly something is due - ASK.  Then make note of it for later reference on your printed syllabus (see, so helpful!).  If this changes any of the due dates, don't forget to update your planner!

Notify the professor of the class days (if any) you already know you will need to miss.  If I know in advance that I will need to miss a class, I always always always tell the professor on the first day.  I then follow up with an email for both of our records.  

Hopefully, you can feel more prepared and organized for the upcoming semester by trying these simple steps!

Good luck and don't forget to enjoy study breaks!


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